
An Open letter to my friends

To my friends who continue to post crap that somehow trump is bringing back naziism: you have totally bought into the cartoonish portrayal of trump that the msm and dnc has tried to project onto trump. The dnc and msm, the wapo and nyt in particular has continued to mischaracterized trumps words and deeds into something that is totally false. They have twisted up their logic to somehow make it look like trump is some kind of racist, xenophobic anti-Muslim baboon. Nothing can be further from the truth.
By posting nazi and Hitler's comparisons, you are fomenting hate and fueling the fires of these rioters and justify their actions. You are doing exactly what you feared trump's voters would do if Clinton had won.  You have been led to believe this by the DNC/MSM projecting their thoughts on what they would do if they lost on Trump and his supporters.  
You have been brainwashed by the cartoon sections of the nyt,wapo et al that were dressed up as the news and opinion sections. 
It is sickening that my good, intelligent friends whom I admire and respect cannot see through this tripe while continue to post comparisons to nazis. I will not respond on their walls this message because I'll be labeled as a nazi lover by their friends. But, you all need to calm down. Trump is not these things you claim. He is not responsible for the sick actions of a few idiots. He does not need to do anything to condemn these actions other then to Support the police to apprehend and prosecute these criminals. (No, I will not pontificate on the moral equivalence of the blm movement to these idiots, but comparisons can easily be made)
Calm down. Trump hasnt done a thing yet. He is not president yet. If, when president, he advocates something you fear he will, I'll stand by your side in protest.


About that electoral college thingy

We are starting to hear the caterwauling to remove this ‘arcane’ system of voting we have.  That would be a horrible mistake, and here’s why:

The USA is NOT a democracy!!!!  It is a federal republic comprised of 50 sovereign states.  Each state is allotted electoral votes based upon it’s population, so everyone’s actual vote is relatively the same for everyone.  Each state’s citizens don’t elect a President directly, we elect a slate of electors who then elect a President.  This concept is very important to understand because this is what forces a candidate to compete in each of the states. 

If we didn’t have this system, all a candidate would have to do is got to LA, Houston, NYC and Chicago to garner enough votes to win.  By doing so, these candidates would tailor laws specifically to attract more voters, thus leaving out the rest of the nation to fend for itself.  DC would not care less what happens in Florida, Vermont, Oklahoma, Nebraska etc. because they don’t need their votes.

This electoral thingy is what forces candidates to compete everywhere in America, and thus create policies for all of America.  Take a good look at the map.  There are entire states lit up in Red that would be totally ignored if there wasn't an electoral college.  Then take a look at New York.  The ONLY reason it went to Clinton was because of NYC.  There simply isn't much blue in rural areas of the country which have totally different needs then urban areas.  These are the people who produce the food, goods and services consumed by urbanites.  Shouldn't their voice be heard too?  If we were to abandon the electoral college, nothing but urban issues would be dealt with.

Think of it this way: in the world series, it’s a best of 7 tournament.  The Dodgers win 10-0 in the 1st game, but the Yankees win the next 4 games by 1-0.  Although the Dodgers outscored the Yankees 10-4, the Yankees won the series.  You need to win the game, and the games won is what counts, not the score.  In Politics, its a best of 50 states (and DC), with each state being weighted according to population.  When you win a state, you get it's points.  The total popular vote has absolutely no meaning whatsoever, just as the total runs scored doesn't matter to determine the outcome.

One more point to make is that the electoral system ensures we have a peaceful transfer of power.  IT has worked very well for America, albeit with some bumps in the road.  No other system has come close to this with such a large, diverse population as we have in the USA.


Election 2016

As we wake up this morning, Donald Trump has become the President-Elect.  This event, apparently, came by surprise to a lot of people.  I wasn’t surprised at all.  If anyone was paying attention to my ‘rants’ and posts, they all had a common theme: 

1) The polling was all skewed by oversampling democrats and independents.  Poll after poll, it showed Clinton with a lead, but when you took the time to normalize the polls to remove this oversampling, Trump was either tied or in the lead.  Furthermore, national polling looks at the nation as a whole.  We know that California and New York (for example) would vote to Clinton by wide margins, but what about the other states?  So even with the polls skewed towards Clinton, her 3 point lead in the RCP averages means it’s a tie.

2) There was absolutely no enthusiasm for Clinton.  While Trump was filling stadiums with thousands who couldn’t get in, Clinton couldn’t fill the area in front of a hot dog stand.  The only time Clinton got a proud is when she brought celebrities with her, including Obama, but at no time in her campaign did she receive a sizable crowd of willing participants.  If she can’t draw a crowd to her rallies, how could she draw them to the polls?

3) The MSM was totally, and unabashedly in the tank for Clinton.  If the MSM had been neutural as they should be, Clinton would have never made it through the primaries with all her scandals that were not covered at all.  Benghazi?  her illegal, private email server? All the quid-pro-quo and pay-for-play with her Clinton Foundation (or at least the appearance of such nefarious activity)?  Wikileaks? Project Veritas? Any one of these things would have sunk a candidate and if the MSM did some actual investigative reporting, would have landed her in jail.  But not Clinton largely due to the fact that the Clinton’s own the Justice department and Comey did all he could to block the FBI from investigating— this in itself is another scandal worthy of MSM investigation, but again they took a pass.

Meanwhile, while all that smoke from raging fires was taking place in the Clinton camp, The Clintons paraded out a bunch of bimbos, some paid to lie, some simply did so to get some fame.  Granted, Trump didn’t help himself much with some of his comments, but it was enough to fan the little bit of smoke into a small fire.  Is Trump a mysoginist?  no.  Just take a look at who’s running his campaign and his companies.  Is Trump a racist?  nope.  He has plenty people of color running his companies, and he’s opened up properties to people of color when that wasn’t allowed at the time.  Is Trump anti-muslim?  Nope.  All he said is that we need to stop the flow of Syrian refugees until we can get a better handle on who is here.  The same for the southern wall. Yet all you hear from the MSM is all the trumped up DNC talking points to somehow make Trump a worse human being than Clinton.  The DNC and the MSM worked very close together and nearly succeeded.  But, people came out to see Trump at rallies, and somehow he managed to break through the DNC/MSM talking points.

One more point to make.  I watched MSNBC for the election coverage, and watched them all try to figure out what happened.  What happened is that they totally bought into the liberal echo chamber that the MSM, NYT, WAPO etc. created, and that any deviation from what they confidently thought would happen was unexpected.  They totally bought into the lies and the talking DNC talking points while poo-pooing Clinton’s scandals.  And it wasn’t just them.  It was also my Facebook friends who totally bought into this false narrative as well.  I really feel bad for them as they hopefully realize that the NYT, WAPO, etc. did not do them any favors by skewing the news and not reporting fairly.

4) Lastly, Clinton should have been indicted for her email server and her foundation.  The ONLY reason she wasn’t was Clinton owns Loretta Lynch and the DoJ.  It was Bill Clinton who appointed Lynch to be Attorney General in the NY office… the same office that has jurisdiction over the investigations into her email server and foundation.  It is Lynch who built that office, and they are loyal to Lynch, so these investigations were stymied or hampered in any way they could. (Does anyone actually believe Bill and Loretta had a private meeting at a remote tarmac to discuss golf and grandchildren?) They constantly got in the FBI’s way.  Follow the dots.  Everyone else has except the MSM, which is why liberals haven’t connected them yet.  If this was anyone else, that person would have the book thrown at them a long time ago.

The electorate realizes that Washington is broken, and the only way to fix Washington is to hire an outsider with potentially new ways of getting things done.  Yes, the election was very close, but only because the democrats did a very good job of tearing trump down to create the perception that he's as bad as Clinton, who no one really is defending her scandalous behavior.  The electorate is screaming for someone to fix DC, which is why Sanders diid unexpectedly well, although the system was rigged against him.  Electing Clinton to fix DC would have been like the fox hired to guard the henhouse.  She is part of the problem, not the solution.  At least with Trump, we have a chance to fix things.

I've said this about the primaries: The people selected Trump despite the party, and the party selected Clinton despite the people.  The same can be said about this election.


Why Trump (or Kasich)

This year’s election cycle has been very entertaining.  Both parties thought they could just anoint someone and win their respective primaries easily.  What the party elites did not anticipate was the anger the electorate has for Washington DC politicians.  The electorate is angry for lots of reasons, but primarily that the news reports from the MSM simply does not reflect reality anymore.  Case in point: We keep hearing news about how the economy is growing and things are rosy meanwhile people cannot find jobs and have stopped looking or had to settle for part-time jobs because that’s the only thing available these days (largely due to Obamacare); more people are on food stamps than ever before ; costs are going up while wages are going down.  There is a worldwide Muslim terrorist insurgency happening and our MSM is not reporting on it, and when they do, they blame Israel.  Our borders are wide open and crime is rampant because of it, but our MSM won’t report on it.  We are being invaded by Syrian ‘refugees', and these ‘refugees’ are causing all kinds of mayhem in Europe, yet our government wants to bring this mayhem into this country.  Our national debt is the highest by far and growing faster and faster, but our MSM won’t report on this like they did when an ‘R' held the Whitehouse. We have given Iran a clear pathway to nuclear weapons and funding to achieve their goals (and fund their terrorist networks) and we got absolutely nothing for it in return.

The electorate is angry because we see the issues that aren’t getting reported accurately, and we see solutions to the mess, but the career politicians aren’t doing a thing about it other than perpetuating it.

On the Democrat side
Clinton has been chosen by the elites.  She has been anointed to be the nominee.  And in normal times, she’d have a cakewalk to the nomination, regardless of the fact that the process is rigged in her favor.  A candidate like Sanders who is a socialist, runs as a socialist, has been elected to the senate as a socialist and is listed as an ‘I’ in the Senate because he is a socialist somehow is doing quite well running in the democrat’s primary.  He won’t win the nomination because the democrat nomination process is rigged against anyone not anointed, but even still, he’s garnering support.  I don’t think this has anything to do with Sander’s positions.  Rather, his support comes from the anger people have against career politicians and Clinton embodies the worst characteristics of them.  She is dishonest, conniving, has huge monetary ties to Muslim countries via her Husband’s presidential library among other avenues of cash flow.  But, she simply is not likable because she is not genuine (have you heard her with her fake southern accent?  Have you hear her talk to a black audience?).  Her husband was successful because he could lie to your face and make you feel good about it.  She doesn’t have that kind of ability so she’ll lie to your face and you dislike her for it.  She is a deeply flawed individual with virtually no accomplishments to show for it.

Sander’s apparent strength is only measured against Clinton’s weakness as a candidate.

On the Republican side
The republican elites put their full weight behind candidates like Bush.  These same elites did what they could to tear down conservatives like Cruz and Rubio so they could mount a full court press for Bush.  This was their game plan, completely ignoring outsiders like Trump, Carson and Fiorina.  They simply didn’t (and still don’t) understand why the electorate is so angry, especially why republicans are especially angry with the GOP leadership.  They kind of understand why conservatives are angry but they discount them completely, much to their demise. 

Republicans are angry because for the last few election cycles, the elites have anointed establishment candidates (Dole, McCain, Romney).  Obama was elected (and totally beatable) because the GOP elite would not get behind someone outside of their control.  The GOP took the house, largely due to conservatives and the Tea Party pushing the GOP for change, and then took the senate for the same reason.  But what did the Elites do?  They gave us Boehner and McConnel (Both establishment members) and excluded anyone from leadership who wasn’t a party elite or elite wannabe which includes members of the people who made it possible for their leadership.  This was a big ‘Fuck You!’ to the Tea Party and conservatives who delivered the house and senate into their hands.  As we witnessed time and again McConnell and Boehner get rolled over by democrats in the minority, their failure to live up to any of their promises or to assert the will of the people who elected them, conservatives began pointing out their failures and began applying pressure on them.  The spineless, crybaby powderpuff Boehner couldn’t take it anymore and resigned. 

If you ever watched the Harlem Globetrotters, they always played agains the Washington Senators, and of course always won.  The Washington Senators were happy to lose because they were part of the act and were paid pretty well to look bad, or more to the point, to make the Harlem Globetrotters look good.  Republicans are tired of watching the GOP play the Washington Senators role to the Democrat’s Harlem Globetrotters.  Republicans are frustrated because they keep electing republican elites only to watch them happily lose to the democrats even when the GOP is in the majority.

Unlike democrats, the republican electorate is smart enough to realize that doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting different results is the definition of insanity.  Democrats continue to elect the same people that have destroyed their own cities (Detroit, Flint, St. Luis etc) so we know they aren’t that smart.

Republicans and conservatives railed against Obama because he had no experience whatsoever.  His Presidency reflected his lack of executive experience to America’s detriment.  (I can list out many examples, from having to be the smartest person in the room, hence Biden as his VP, to hiring people with lack of specific experience to run departments like Clinton and Kerry as Sec State etc. etc. etc.).  So why should republicans and conservatives get behind another senator like Cruz or Rubio?  Although both had legitimate careers prior to joining the senate unlike Obama, the point still stands.

So who is left besides the outsiders?  The governors, Bush, Walker, Kasich, Christie and Jindal.  Walker and Jindal exited the race because they saw the writing on the wall: they were not going to get support from the Elites and they saw what Trump was preparing to do.  They were the smart ones.  Christie is a Northeast Republican and although he is a tough negotiator and has done relatively well for New Jersey, he is no conservative nor would get the backing of a huge swath of republicans.  Bush became the embodiment of the establishment, and thus the lightning rod for the anger and frustration of the electorate, so much so that he was forced out of the running.  This leaves Kasich.  

As for the outsiders (Trump, Fiorina, Carson), Carson was too nice and Fiorina had some baggage from her Hp Days.  Trump, however, was saying and doing things to get noticed.  His airtime was largely free because of his antics.  Love him or hate him, you know him as a business man who is self funded, can’t be bought or controlled because of this, and is playing this election smartly.  I think he’s spent less money than everyone else, which shows what happens when you spend your own money rather then other people’s money: you do it wisely.  Regardless of his positions, Trump became the ‘fuck you’ candidate for the anti-establishment republicans tapping into the anger they have for the process.  No one really knows his positions on anything, and it doesn’t really matter what they are.  What matters is that he is not of the political elite, and the political elite are now perceived as the problem, and the solution to that problem is to not elect anyone from that crowd or whomever they endorse.

We keep hearing news reports about how Trump is damaging the ‘Republican Brand’.  If playing the part of the Washington Senators and continually getting beat up by democrats is their brand, then good, that brand deserves to be damaged.  In reality, it is the Elite that have damaged the party of limited government, strong defense, protected borders, and energy independence.  

So what is the elite to do?  Well, they all few down to a secluded Island in 54 private jets to figure this out.  They don’t like Cruz or Kasich because they are conservatives.  They enlist Romney to make a big speech.  (That just served to piss people off even further).  So it looks like they are pinning their hopes on Rubio.  But Rubio might not even win his home state of Florida!  It looks like Rubio and Kasich just made a deal that Rubio supporter in Ohio all vote for Kasich and Kasich supporters in Florida should vote for Rubio.  Is this the best the republican elites can do?  And when Trump eventually wins the nomination, then what?  Will they sit this one out and allow Clinton to win (a self-fulfilling prophecy on their part because Clinton is very beatable).  Will they grudgingly back Trump?

What SHOULD the elites do?  They should look in the mirror and recognize they have a major problem, and it isn’t Donald Trump.  It is themselves that refuse to listen to their constituents who are conservatives and will hold these elites to their word when they tell conservatives they will push a conservative agenda of smaller government, stronger defense, strength in leadership worldwide to combat ISIS and global Islamic terrorism, to protect our borders to make us all safer and energy independence so we are not beholden to volatile oil sheiks.  This is a problem of their own creation, and I for one love the fact they are squirming.

What should they have done if they were smart?  They should have backed a conservative like Scott Walker or John Kasich -two proven Governors with plenty of experience for getting things done - for President right from the start.  But they didn’t and said ‘Fuck you’ to us again, so ‘Fuck You’ right back — I’ll support Trump or Kasich, or anyone the elites don’t support just because ‘Fuck You’.

(I’ve always said the Republican party is the Party of Stupid, and they are sure living up to their name.)

So, for the 3rd cycle in a row, a very weak democrat will run against some republican and that weak democrat may win simply because they are running against the Party of Stupid.  But is sure is entertaining to watch, but aside from the entertainment value, our country is in dire shape.