If a tree fell in the forest and no one was around, would it make noise? The answer is 'Yes, if it could blog'.
Progress Report -- Week1
Things are still overwhelming, but I feel much better this past week. I have to rediscover the mental toughness that I had several years ago. It won't happen overnight, but I'm encouraged so far with the progress.
I laughed this weekend. Its a very common experience for most people, but not for me in a very long time. Most people laugh and feel better afterwards. That's why we laugh... to feel better and put aside problems for just a little bit. Yeah, I fake laugh a lot to keep up appearances but it isn't the feel better kind of laugh.
I laughed this weekend because of something my eldest did. She played a practical joke on me that a week before, I would have been very angry. She put a rubber band around the kitchen sink spritzer and made sure it was aimed well. So when I turned on the faucet, I got a blast of water in my face. Of course the entire kitchen was hosed down too before I stopped the water. It was a great joke executed very well! Seeing my eldest's face trying to hold back the mirth... waiting for my reaction to know if she needed to run to the next county... I laughed. And when I was done laughing, I gave her a big hug and some sponges to clean the mess up.
It felt good to laugh. I hope to do it more. Its a beginning.
Back to the program. I am learning lots and I'm losing weight! I have now lost 2 pounds already! My energy levels are very good. I don't feel run down anymore. I hope to start putting the rest of the items together this week so I can start to earn some money from this. More to follow when I know more if this will work or not.
My Inner Scream
Most people have an inner monologue. That voice inside your head that you can debate with, think with, plan with, review past events with etc. It is the sounding board for editing what will eventually come out of your mouth. When working properly, it filters out the improper behaviors or inappropriate responses.
I say most people have this function working properly. Some do not. My youngest does not have an inner monologue, it all comes out of her mouth without any editing at all. There are many clinical names for this and many types of remedies, but that isn't the focus of this discussion. She is a very happy, intelligent person who just needs to fine tune her editing skills.
When something out of the ordinary happens, that inner voice begins screaming "LOOK OUT!". It's what causes the hair at the back of your neck to stand up and to get you to pay close attention to your surroundings and to ensure your speech filters are more tuned than normal. For instance, you are driving your car and your '6th' sense is warning you something is amiss. You look over your shoulder and another car is in your blind spot moving into the lane you are moving into as well. This is your Inner Scream at work.
I suffer from hearing loss in one ear, and due to the specific injury i suffered when I was 5, I constantly have a high pitched ringing called tinnitus. It is always there and there is no cure. All one can do is ignore it, but it is always there. Ive had 40 years of practice at ignoring it and i'm quite good at it.
What if there are so many things going amiss that your Inner Monologue is constantly screaming at you? At the time I created this blog, This was the situation I was in. The job was a hassle, I was going through a divorce, I had financial problems etc. Everything I was doing seamed to be screaming at me. At some point, all one can do is ignore it as if it was tinnitus.
As time went on, I became unemployed again. But this time, it affected me more than I could imagine. Now I am jobless, house in foreclosure etc. The racket cannot be ignored any longer. The din in my head is deafening to a point that it affects everything I do. It is difficult to do the things that needs to be done. In more quiet moments I can look around and see what is happening as it manifests itself in my surroundings. My house is a mess, simple things like paying bills, bathing, getting dressed, laundry or signing up for food stamps etc., aren't taken care of. I look around and the screaming become louder to take care of things!
I have immersed myself in stupid things to keep me from thinking about my problems: political discussions, TV, online games. I used to like to read books. I find that I cannot focus on reading because it is too noisy inside to concentrate.
The image on my blog is a perfect representation of how I feel... hands against my ears and screaming back. At first when I started this blog, the screaming back was in defiance that I CAN and I WILL. I used this blog as an outlet --- to give written voice to that inner scream. As time went on and the inner scream didn't subside no matter what I did including therapy. There was so much screaming that it became overwhelming to write it out. My screaming back became that of anguish that I was losing the battle. Unfortunately, now my screaming back resembles the picture perfectly in that it is a scream of utter despair. I am so overwhelmed by my inner scream. I don't sleep much and when I wake up most every day wishing that I hadn't.
I beg to differ Mr President
Via Drudge:
NEW YORK (CBS) — After suffering a “shellacking” in the midterm elections, President Obama acknowledges what many have seen as his chief weakness – failing to sell the importance of several legislative milestones to the American people.
“I think that’s a fair argument. I think that, over the course of two years we were so busy and so focused on getting a bunch of stuff done that, we stopped paying attention to the fact that leadership isn’t just legislation. That it’s a matter of persuading people. And giving them confidence and bringing them together. And setting a tone,” Mr. Obama told 60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft in an exclusive interview set to air Sunday.
The election of 2010 -- Rejecting Liberal Policies
Historic GOP Gains in State Legislatures
• Going into the 2010 election, Democrats held 60 partisan legislative chambers and Republicans held 36, with a couple of ties.
• It looks like the GOP has picked up an astounding 20 chambers, including both houses in Alabama, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Wisconsin and additional chambers in Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
• In total legislative seats, it is possible that after all the results are posted, Republicans will have won a nationwide majority.
• Republicans haven’t enjoyed this much power in state capitals since the 1920s.
Are We are Facing the Greatest Threat to Humanity?
In order to do this, you need to change all governments to a totalitarian dictatorship in order to attempt to regulate human behavior. You must take away everyone's freedom. You must regulate or take over all industries to a central planning agency.
Time after time, attempts to regulate human behavior has failed. It has NEVER worked and it never will. Humans believe they have a basic right to be free and do not wish to be regulated. China has tried this. They even took people's right to have children away. Russia has tried this and i remember stories of people lining up just to purchase toilet paper. Witness North Korea who can't even afford to keep its lights on at night.
Time after time, each attempt has failed because the attempt always left the country in ruins without the proper resources left to protect its own citizens, let alone the environment. Look at the pollution in China or the nuclear meltdown in Chernobyl as examples of what happens when resources are depleted with communism/socialism/totali
It takes resources to protect our environment. The worst thing you can do is to confiscate money from those entities that generate these resources. The USA is the richest country on this earth and this country does more FOR the environment than any other country and we do it of our own free will. Can we do more... sure we can. But when you confiscate wealth, that wealth cannot then be used to generate more wealth and we will become poor, without funds to do what is needed for the environment.
As an side, the author's premise is completely off base. Most of the assertions have been proven false. For example, our overall temperature has not been rising at all over the last 15 years.
Why is there a Tea Party?
Mr. Prez, I am frustrated
Pelosi heckled at progressive conference
Power Line - Global Warming In One State
Why are the moose leaving Minnesota?
Here's what puzzles me, though: isn't global warming supposed to be--you know--global? That being the case, why are moose populations "burgeoning" in Massachusetts, returning to Wisconsin, "growing" in Michigan, moving into Connecticut, where historically they did not live, "booming" in Oregon, "resurging" in Vermont, "increasing" in Washington, "growing exponentially" in New York, "significantly increas[ing]" in Colorado, and "growing" in Utah?Perhaps because thats where the moose-jobs are?
Words have meaning, Mr. President
350 jobs lost.
"The whole demonization of luxury meetings and companies' pulling back on having their high-end meetings in luxury hotels -- this has had a tremendous impact on Las Vegas," Deuschl said. "I can't think of another destination that has had to defend itself more against comments from politicians."
Snowstorm squelches climate change protest - Salt Lake Tribune
A downtown protest of the climate change talks in Copenhagen became a victim of Wednesday's snowstorm.
"Not many people showed up because of the blizzard conditions," said organizer Clea Major, an international studies student at the University of Utah.
It didn't take long for the six friends to pack up a bullhorn and posters they'd planned to use for their "scream-in," an outlet for their frustration about the failure of the Copenhagen climate talks earlier this month to curb the pollution blamed for climate change.
Still, they chatted with a few passers-by during the commuter-hour protest near the Gateway, and explained that, blizzard aside, climate change is expected to bring chaos to the global climate, said Major.
She called Wednesday evening's effort a success and possibly the first in a series. As for the snow, it's not entirely new; a protest she attended last year in Washington, D.C., suffered a similar fate.
"There is always the irony element," Major said.
I guess from Major's perspective it could be ironic, but from mine, its hilarious.
- Meet with BP CEO and keep an open line to make sure BP has whatever they need to be successful to stop the leak. (Without talking to CEO, you can't hold him responsible to his words and actions.)
- Put someone in charge to work directly with BP to ensure they have every resource available and to coordinate all military and non-military assets with BP. (This may be the only step actually being done)
- Put someone in charge of oil containment -- give them authority to acquire whatever materials are needed and coordination of navy assets to get these materials installed. (Companies can make the booms if asked, some companies are making the booms unasked, but no one is taking them, unacceptable)
- Put someone in charge to coordinate state efforts -- Whatever a Governor needs this person ensures they get, give authority to cut thru all red tape to expedite fedgov response (It took LA almost 30 days to get approvals to do what they needed to do, totally unacceptable)
- Put someone in charge to accept and coordinate Foreign aid in materials and assets. (Obama/Clinton has refused all foreign ad and materials, how stupid is that?)
- Get the best experts into a room and include people who know how to deal with man-made disasters, such as the Iraqi oil well capping. This would mean enlisting the dreaded Haliburton who I'll bet can help. Contact Alaska's experts who have dealt with Exxon Valdez disaster. (James Cameron only shows how unserious this prez is)
- Put someone in charge of the environmental issues --Ensure the environmental groups are heard ONLY if they have something constructive to contribute.
- Put an accountant on the team just to keep track of the expenses. Whatever it takes now will be paid for later.
- Put a lawyer on the team to document the process and hold people accountable AFTER the disaster is over. (lawsuit now only serves to dampen the spirit of cooperation and create an adversarial environment not conducive to solving the problem)
- Finally, don't say things like 'boot on the neck' and 'find me some ass to kick', it demeans the office and shows how un-serious, un-engaged, uncooperative and disrespectful to those who are trying to solve this issue in good faith.
All of these 'someones' are cabinet level people who will drop whatever they are doing to focus on this. Daily briefings will happen right after the NIA briefing, and any major roadblocks will be addressed immediately.As we witness this disaster, little of the above has happened. This is a disaster of leadership.