This time around, there will be a President who knows nothing of leading, who has never run a major organization and who has never once created a single job.
My prediction is that this will be a one term president, no matter who is elected.
If a tree fell in the forest and no one was around, would it make noise? The answer is 'Yes, if it could blog'.
Individuals who pay income taxes would get up to $600, working couples $1,200 and those couples with children an additional $300 per child under the agreement. Workers who make at least $3,000 but don't pay taxes would get $300 rebates.oookay.... So how does someone who pays NOTHING in taxes get a rebate? Not only that, they just increased their pay by up to 10%? If they didn't pay any taxes, where is this $300 dollars come from? Oh yeah.. silly question... from MY pocket of course.
There was a commenter on our brand new shiny blog which got me thinking (btw, thanks for the comments, please continue) about the inner screaming I was doing several years ago. Liberals have a mantra of ‘Bush Lied’ or ‘where are the weapons of mass destruction?’, and now that I have this blog, please allow me to re-tort.
The federal government sued Monday to get on land owned by a Texas city whose mayor has been highly critical of a planned U.S.-Mexico border fence.Let me make this simple for Mr. Foster. Ive even drawn pictures:The lawsuit was filed by U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton against the city of Eagle Pass, Justice Department spokesman Andrew Ames said.
The city's mayor, Chad Foster, serves as chairman of the Texas Border Coalition. The coalition consists of several border mayors, business officials and residents, and has been fighting the Homeland Security Department's border fence construction plans.
Members say the agency has failed to sufficiently consider concerns about the effects on environment, residents' property and the binational way of life along the border and ignored local officials' suggestions for alternatives.
Argonne’s spent-fuel recycling may reduce nuclear waste storage shortage.
Argonne’s new approach to recycling spent fuel from commercial nuclear reactors could help solve an expected international shortage of repository space for disposing of nuclear wastes.
In a single step, commercial fuel, which is a ceramic, can be converted to a metallic form for processing with Argonne’s pyroprocessing technology. This technology can greatly reduce the amount of waste that needs disposal in a repository.
The details of the meetings including locations, dates and times can be found under the Town Hall listing," Corzine wrote. "If youwould like to attend you must RSVP (emphasis added). You will find the registration formunder the link Town Hall RSVP."Say what? Why would anyone have to RSVP to attend a public meeting? Is that even legal?
Let's take a look at the state's open meetings law. Anything in there about mandatory RSVPs? Nope, not a word.
Corzine is apparently making it up as he goes along. He wants to know who plans to attend these public meetings, and he wants to know as much about them as possible.
Those on both sides say watching the battle unfold in the Palmetto State, where black voters could cast half of the votes in the Democratic primary, won’t be pretty.
“To some of us, it is painful,” said state Sen. Darrell Jackson, a Clinton supporter.
U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., had pledged to remain neutral as Democrats competed for votes in the state’s primary.
This is remarkable due to her ADHD and short attention span. She
concentrated for a full 1/2 hour on this task.
Its a little thing most people would take for granted but I'll cherish it.
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Under his plan, fares would be raised by 50 percent every four years between 2010 and 2022, as well as by an additional cumulative amount of perhaps 3 percent annually to reflect inflation. The inflationary hikes, plus the 50 percent increases, would be bundled together and phased in together only at the four-year points.Unbelievable. Here is what Corzine had to say about this:
The Democratic governor said the toll hikes would be controversial and a form of "tough love."Unbelievable.
Under the plan, a typical car driver on the New Jersey Turnpike would be charged $2.05 in tolls in 2010 for a trip that costs $1.20 now. In 2014, the driver would pony up $5.85. Such a driver would take a 23-mile daily trip on the turnpike, the administration said.My current one-way trip costs $2.10 so in 2014, I'll be paying $10.25. That's an increase of about 488%.
Nor, Corzine said, could the state cut its way back to fiscal health. To do so, he said, would "impossibly damage" New Jersey's ability to fund schools, cushion local property taxes, and protect public safety and welfare.
By Corzine's account, the state can only turn to the highway tolls, more than half of which are paid by truckers or out-of-state drivers, as the governor noted.
I'll bet that someone told the car to 'go home', but the database told the car to pull into the person's old address because the database wasn't quite up to date so the car reacted to the most current information it had available to it. In the loony world of Liberals, this is considered a lie. Thankfully nobody died when the car lied.The Defense Department contest, which initially involved 35 teams, showed the technology isn't ready for prime time. One team was eliminated after its vehicle nearly charged into a building, while another vehicle mysteriously pulled into a house's carport and parked itself.
One year ago this week, President Bush outlined a new strategy for Iraq.Let me begin this fisking of NPR's fisk and point out that they still call this a 'so-called surge'. In fact, NPR still calls it the 'so-called War on Terror'. Perhaps I should start calling them 'so-called NPR'.In a nationally-televised speech from the White House, Bush unveiled the so-called "surge" in U.S. troops — and more American economic aid. Bush said the government of Prime Minister Nuri al Malaki pledged to do more to heal his country's divisions.
Since then, some of what Bush envisioned has been accomplished, and some remains to be done.
So, the president sent in 30,000 more American troops, most of them to Baghdad. And he said the Iraqis would boost their own troop levels.
But a year later, the number of Iraqi brigades has dropped in Baghdad from 18 to 15. Some of the units have been sent by the Iraqi government to other hotspots. Many National Police units are still linked with Shiite death squads.
What Bowman doesn't report on is the actual need for Iraqi brigades in Baghdad. If Baghdad doesn't need all 18 brigades, what does he think we should do with those un-needed troops, leave them there so 'President Bowman' can make a case that he was correct in a speech 1 year ago? Unknowingly, Bowman makes another unintended point: Violence in Baghdad has been reduced significantly while there is also a reduction in Police Brigades. This is true progress.
So, the Washington panel made a recommendation, but the commanders in Iraq chose to follow other recommendations. There is no mention of these other panels. You see, in so-called NPR's world, any DC panel's recommendation must be followed or else. Forget about the fact that these same Iraqi police are stepping up to reduce violence and becoming much more effective. Don't let results get in the way of the story line."They have a lot of very, very serious issues within the National Police," former Washington D.C. Police Chief Charles Ramsey said on NBC's "Meet the Press." He was on a high level panel looking at the Iraqi security forces. In September, the panel recommended disbanding the National Police.
"They need to be refocused because currently they are not performing at an effective level, and if what you want is a police force rooted in democratic principles, the National Police missed the mark," he said then.
American commanders in Baghdad refused to disband the National Police. They instead chose to retrain them and to replace corrupt commanders.
I'm sitting in a diner reading my favorite blogs via Google reader and posting to my blog via gmail. If I get lost or need directions, Google maps can really help. I've been Googled.
With the right device, I probably can probably post video and pictures.
Anyway, technology is getting to a point where it is becoming useful no matter where you are.
In case your curious, I'm having eggs Benedict and my little one is having spaghetti and meatballs with a chocolate shake.
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Something to think about when TBS shows the movie for 24 hours on Christmas next year.
"Since 1949 the unemployment rate has never risen by this magnitude without the economy being in recession,'' John Ryding, chief U.S. economist at Bear Stearns Cos. in New York, said in a note to clients. "We now put ourselves on recession watch.''Until recently and as a result of Reagan's tax policies, (Bush I, Clinton and Bush II didn't change this policy much) this rate has never been below 5%. Prior to Reagan, a 5% unemployment rate was considered full employment. I gotta believe the old rules don't apply anymore, but watch out, the sky is falling!
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"I wake up each day thinking about how Government can help people better their lives."Most modern-day liberals believe this and pursue this ideal with a passion. This sounds great, but let's dig a bit deeper into this. It is this attitude that brings health care to everyone, childcare for everyone, social security and essentially cradle to grave coverage of anything a human can need or want provided for by the government. It is the ideal that protects us from ourselves such as gun control and environmentalism. It is this ideal that brings us tax regulations that acts to control our behavior such as tax breaks if are this type of person, marry and have x number of kids, etc.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."to be written into the Declaration of Independence.
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country"What happened to the democratic party that now has them essentially saying:
"Ask not what you can do for your country; ask what can your country do for you"
"When you're living in a place, versus coming in and spending time in hotels, you actually get to know a little bit more about it," she tells Michele Norris. "There are some candidates who fly in and fly out again."oooookay.